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Database Choices and Uber with Markus Winand

When Uber’s engineering team published a blog post about moving to MySQL from Postgres, Markus Winand started receiving lots of email. Markus writes about databases on his blog “Use

Uber’s Postgres Problems with Evan Klitzke

When a company switches the relational database it uses, you wouldn’t expect the news of the switch to go viral. Most engineers are not interested in the subtle differences between

Uber’s Ringpop with Jeff Wolski

Uber has a software architecture with unique requirements. Uber does not have the firehose of user engagement data that Twitter or Facebook has, but each transaction on Uber is both high

Economics of Software with Russ Roberts

EconTalk is a weekly economics podcast that has been going for a decade. On EconTalk, Russ Roberts brings on writers, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs for engaging conversations about

Stream Processing at Uber with Danny Yuan

“Be aggressive in vision, but conservative in operation.” Uber is a transportation company with a high volume of temporal spacial data, constantly being collected from the devices of