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GitBook with Addison Schultz

 Documentation is something that everyone knows is important but it’s often difficult to get right. On software teams, good documentation can help to onboard new people, improve

Making React 70% faster with Aiden Bai of Million.js

React is an immensely popular JavaScript library that is used to build website user interfaces. A key feature of React is that it uses a virtual Document Object Model, or DOM, to

Building a Full Cloud Backend with James Cowling

Serverless backend platforms are cloud services that simplify the process of building a backend. These platforms are growing rapidly in popularity because they can greatly accelerate

The Latest on RedwoodJS with Tom Preston-Werner

Tom Preston-Werner is a renowned software developer, inventor and entrepreneur. He co-founded GitHub and is the creator of the avatar service Gravatar, the TOML configuration file

Netlify with Mathias Biilmann Christensen

Netlify is a cloud-based platform that provides web developers with an all-in-one workflow to build, deploy, and manage modern web projects. Matt Biilmann is the CEO of Netlify and he