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Prisma: GraphQL Infrastructure with Soren Bramer Schmidt

GraphQL allows developers to communicate with all of their different data backends through a consistent query interface. A GraphQL query can be translated into queries to MySQL, MongoDB,

Digital Evolution with Joel Lehman, Dusan Misevic, and Jeff Clune

Evolutionary algorithms can generate surprising, effective solutions to our problems. Evolutionary algorithms are often let loose within a simulated environment. The algorithm is given a

Uber’s Data Platform with Zhenxiao Luo

When a user takes a ride on Uber, the app on the user’s phone is communicating with Uber’s backend infrastructure, which is writing to a database that maintains the state of that

Load Balancing at Scale with Vivek Panyam

Facebook serves interactive content to billions of users. Google serves query requests on the world’s biggest search engine. Uber handles a significant percentage of the transportation

Amazon and Uber with Brad Stone

Big technology companies have so much going on at any given time that a journalist can tell any type of story they want to about it. Depending on what angle you observe the company from,